Zero False Positives
Alarms are only triggered if the bounty is cashed.
Detect attackers shortly after the first breach occurs and before any serious damage is done, while discovering vulnerabilities at the same time.
Our radically new approach makes early detection possible.
BitTrap helps companies find breaches faster by installing wallets with risk-adjusted bounties.
When an attacker cashes a wallet, we notify the company of the breach so they can take remediation
actions to patch it.
10 Months is the average time to detect an attack
Source: Verizon Report
$8.64 Million is the average cost of a Breach for US companies in 2020
Source: Ponemon Institute
46% is the percentage of data breaches that involved SMBs
Source: Verizon Report
Zero False Positives
Alarms are only triggered if the bounty is cashed.
Zero Operations Impact
BitTrap works continuosly without impacting your software delivery.
Zero Performance Hit.
Protected devices run all full capacity